Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beautiful Midnight

I'm convinced that in every person’s life there's that one musical moment in one’s life that is of significant musical meaning, that you know exactly where you were and what you were doing, who you were with when this impactful moment hit you deep within the pit of your soul. For argument sake I will call it "Spiritual-Music Enlightenment."

For anyone that has known me for more than the length of the span of one day will most definitely know that I'm referring to Matthew Good Band's album - Beautiful Midnight.

My spiritual-music enlightenment started the first time I heard this album in the summer of 1999. Admitantly, when I first heard this, my ears where audibly fixated on the stereo speakers eating every single note that dripped precariously from the speakers.

As cliché as it may sound my musical world had changed from that moment on and would never be the same! At this period in my life, I had not known of this band (at all). Beautiful Midnight would go onto inspiring me to pick up and play guitar, to sing, to write songs, to be inspired and really feel music on a deep spiritual-music level.

I'm not proud to say this, nor feel it of any real importance that each individual have a similar experience that he/she can relate too but, to this day there has not been an album that capsulates how significant this album is or was(to me).

Interesting facts about Matthew Good Band - Beautiful Midnight (and myself)

- To this day after the many thousands of times listening to it from start to finish it still remains as good today (now)as when I first heard (it's the only album I own that I still love absolutely every single track).
- Even after 11 years and after thousands of plays I still get emotionally rattled when I hear "I Miss New Wave"
-This album is now 11 years.

Kindest Regards,
David Bakker

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